Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A Powerful Room

Yesterday I had lunch in an incredibly powerful room.  There were no lawmakers or celebrities present.  But the power of those gathered was awesome.  It was mostly church and temple folk.  Yesterday was PATH's Faith Matters luncheon.  What an exciting afternoon!  Over 45 faith communities and networks were represented.  There was no lack of will in that room.  If we can coordinate our passion for the homeless as a united community of people who believe it is morally wrong to allow 90,000 people, 40% of whom are women and children, to be without housing in one of the richest cities in the world's richest nation, I believe the lid will blow off this issue.  Lawmakers, officials, and voters will have no choice but to listen.
Personally, I met and learned of some folks right here in Glendale that are potential partners for us in our limited work.  Meeting like-minded people is exciting, and seeing potential to combine resources is a great feeling.
There are plans for more such lunches and other opportunities to harness the powerful will of these faith communities.  Thank you, PATH, for making this a priority!
You can read PATH's Exec. Director's, Joel Roberts, post on the lunch here.

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