Thursday, November 02, 2006

We Are God's Answer

I'm in the midst of preparing a budget and ministry plan for 2007. During this process, coupled with some real life circumstances lately, I keep coming back to this idea: How much human responsibility has been shirked and thrown back on God when we pray for answers to difficult situations?

Someone is hungry. God, provide food for this person.

Someone is homeless. God, provide a home for this person.

Someone is hurting. God, comfort them.

Someone is lonely. God, let them feel your presence.

How many times have we prayed these prayers in earnest, not thinking that we are called -- commanded -- to be the source of compassion we are asking God to provide? We are the church. If not from us, then from where else will the answers come?

May we not look any further than ourselves when prayers for brothers, sisters, and neighbors may be answered through our own self-sacrifice.

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